Friday, January 16, 2009
7uncle has moved to wordpress blog
My new blog is now
Thank you for reading my blog and you are most welcome to my new blog.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Some interesting facts about income tax...
If you made money, the IRS wants some of it, and it doesn't matter whether
you made it honestly or were running drugs. Here are income-reporting rules you
might not know about.
Did you sell a few kilos of marijuana, take a bribe or
steal a computer in 2008? Be sure to include that income on your tax return,
unless you want to get in trouble with the Internal Revenue
Virtually all Americans know they should report income such as
wages, capital gains and tips, even if they don't. But if you're an average
taxpayer, you might not be familiar with some of the tax code's lesser-known
income rules.
The basic rule is this: If it counts as income, it's
It doesn't matter where that income comes from. Prohibition-era
gangster Al Capone contended, "The government can't collect legal taxes from
illegal money," but he was wrong and wound up with eight years in prison for tax
evasion. The tax laws are regularly used to nab other crooks the same
Maybe your year was better than a convicted drug dealer's. Did you win a
Nobel prize or a beauty contest? You might have additional income to
but then come to think of it, who in his right or "left" mind hehe would declare that they stoled or do drug business. Well, law is law,
An evening at the Thai border again
Guess who are the friends?

So this year, we will be on 2 shows - 8TV and Astro for this coming Chinese new year.
Well, after dinner, they decided to walk around at the border town of "Danok" to do some shopping and I came across an elephant. These elephants are actually "beggars" or shall I say the victim of a "beggars" syndicate. Infact there was some debate of these animals begging in the city but I guess you can't blame them.
Cars give out carbon monoxide while the elephants give out their “dungs” and it’s not just one scoop but when it gives out, its several kilos of it. Yup, that is the one problem with these animals in the street, the whole city or town will be filled with this “dungs” and now they have some regulations. The owner has to take care of them every time those dungs drop; they have to scoop it up.
And while waiting for them, I came across a small tricycle paddler selling something... curiously I walked over and this is what I saw. “Pest” for food. – Caterpillars, grass-hoppers, ants, beetles and bugs. If you are a “drinker” this is the best tidbits to go along.
I dare to take all of them but the caterpillars… oh no… I just cannot stand the sight of it. Just thinking of the wriggling, I feel like vomiting.. hehe
and these are giant termites. And they are not cheap, one small bowl of a few grams cost RM2.00.
If you want a closer look, click on the picture to get a bigger and closer view of it.
At first I thought they are cockroach hehe.. beetles from the wild. jungle. Actually all these stuffs are good for our health if you dare to eat them hehe
but when I reach home and magnify the pictures.... to
Nevermind, let's just consider it's a brand new start all over again and hopefully, 7uncle will be here to stay.
Welcome to 7uncle.blogspot and goodbye
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
The circle of life

The circle of life
I think most of us have seen this movie – the circle of life
A story of a lion’s way of life and how the circle of one generation takes over another generation. The ups and downs of the life cycle of each species that has to experience in order to survive and learn new ways. The excitement and the pressure of responsibility and how the old generation guides the next generation with all their wisdom of the past to instill in them younger ones to reach out and lead the next.
We humans are not omitted but the same – we have to go thru’ the circle of life and it goes round again and again. But I realize one thing. Life doesn’t actually goes round in a circle..
It’s spirals into all directions, it is never the same circle and the life circle from one generation to the next will never meet but spirals. The old ways can never be use entirely to predict the next but merely guides you along the line of similarity but never the same.
One system that works for the current may never work for the next and wise-versa.
That’s why none of us can really predict anything perfectly but merely using some old historical data to analyze roughly what should or could happen next but again it can go any direction when the time comes.
You know every year; we have our fish seasons and the theoretical facts of demand and supply. When the season comes, supply will be ample so prices will drop and when the season is off, prices will come up so as a global trader that deals in volume, this simple fact should make us every fish monger rich! Buy low and sell high. But then the next question is how high and how low? The statistics last year cannot be use as judgment of prices this year or the next and every year some of us will always get burnt… You can never predict anything for real…and there will always be another new high and another new low as we have seen how our world economy now.
The spiraling cycle of life should be the right word.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The changing times...

Well, Don't laugh, it's becoming a reality these days. Alot of tech things have become our daily norm of practice. You know sometimes, my wife does that even in our own home. It is more practical to msn and get over with it rather then to walk over to another room just to say it. Our computers are never off accept when it's time to bed. Everyday, the msn messenger is always full of messages, the handphone is full of sms and our forum - Pinkies world - the favorite passtime of pinkies through out the nation will be chit chating day and night.
This is the future and soon it will be to have and to hold , to email and fax, to page and beep until death do you part. hehehee
for more here