Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The SECRET formula of abundance

How many of us actually knows how the population can keeps increasing every year.
Yes, because we give birth. It takes 2 to make 1.
A male & a female, you put them together in a room, they do some "adding calculations" and produces 1.
To take away and decrease the population, we need to subtract 1 (death)

1-1 = 0

Now I tell you the secret...
BUT WE CAN PRODUCE? Take your pick...
We can never run out of human beings unless of course the zero (god) factor comes in...

Now iiiworld says "Let's register the population of the world and ask for any amount $ of registration fee accept 0. Please take a calculator and start counting....
How much is your commission if I say 100% is YOURS and I will throw another 1% as a reward from the volume of the population of the world. hehe

Oh, *&&^%$ - Oh you mean not all will want to join in...
How about 1% decided.. enough?

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