Sunday, October 12, 2008

When you start from the bottom...

When it rains, water will leak into the house. These are the kind of house I had to live in those days when I was a very small boy. No I am not asking for the pity but I just want to share with you we had a lot of fun. It's the time to rejoice, it means we don't have to carry water from the wells but just collect them from the leaking roofs into our pails and drums and use them for drinking and washing. It is the time, we can run in the rain and bathe ourselves in the rain. It is the time we have fun and laughter.

The gift of being poor and happy where no money can buy. It is in our minds what happiness is all about. It is not the money, it is not the luxury of life that will bring happiness but the simple mind of just being free from burden that you will see the abundance of life. With that mindset you can do anything to prosper because there is no where else to go but UP

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