Monday, October 13, 2008

SOMEONE designing us

Have you ever heard about phi
Sometime it is called GOD's ratio
and the number is 1:16803

Now I am not going to bore with you numbers and calculations but I want to show you something.

Draw a curve with your compass
then draw a line from the center of the comp
ass point to the side of the curve..
then use those 2 points to draw a square as you can see
in the diagram ( a red square)...
you will realise that the proportion of the red square to
the blue square...
the answer is 1 : 161803
the magic formula GOD has used to in its magical creation

Use the formula of the ratio and draw a curve cutting the edge of the squares and you will see a spiral effect that creates alot of things we see in our world.

This is the design of a sea shell created using the formula and if you measure it - the ratio is 1:16803

If you measure your ears and you will see that it matches the phi formula of 1:16803
Everything was not just by accident but every single detail is in balance with the formula of the creator.

Click on the picture above to view the full size so that you can read how all our bone parts are created to match the formula of phi. Each portion is always 1:16803 bigger the the next portion.

Every human proportions are created with this same formula - phi (1:16803) and there must be a reason for it.
and the number 5 seems to be God's favorite, click the above picture and find out why..

The Egyptian Pyramids are found to use this phi formula to create and build their kings tombs

and god says perfect beauty is when all portions are in the golden formula of phi and it must be in the proportion of 1:16803 so that everything can be in perfect balance to admire.

and God said, your heart-beat must be in tune with the formula of 1:16803 in between 2 beats you must have a small one at the point of phi so that life is perfect.

and god said..stay in the temperature that is in the proportion of phi for perfect health that's why our body temperature must in 100.8 F/38.2 C which is exactly 1:16803 between the freezing of water and the boiling point of water. And to keep us alife, god said to sterilize water use the upper portion of the phi formula and all bacteria dies. Water is sterilized at the temperature of 143.2F/61.8C which is the upper portion of the ratio of 1:16803

and now god said, I want you to listen and I will give you the perfect sounds of music to your ears, again it must be in this phi proportion.

And it was all written down even before HE created us in the blue-print in his workshop.
The DNA strends measured the same ratio of phi

This is not by mistakes or accident.. it was all planned from the beginning.

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