Saturday, October 11, 2008



Why are some people so unlucky and so unfortunate while we normal people are so lucky and free to do whatever we want and go wherever we want to.

A Rollsroy went pass at high speed with a trail of traffic police motorcade and siren blaring as people moved aside to see what the commotion is all about..
As the black Rolls stopped, red carpets were immediately laid down and armies of bodyguards and police line up so as to block passer-bys. Out came a young prince from the car and slowly walked across the red carpet gloomily up to the super market, he wanted to buy an ordinary toy from the super market himself because he is sick of all the special toys, specially made for him. He wanted a cheap plastic water gun so that he can play with some normal friends in the castle. He went up to the toy section and he got a water gun that is most ordinary. A smile on his face when he holds the cheap gun in his hands. At last I got what I wanted. When he looked up to share his joy, there was not a friend around but grim faced bodyguards looking everywhere for signs of danger. *sigh* if only I am just a normal kid, I will be the happiest boy in the world.

We have all the abundances in the world of ours, but it's just that we couldn't see it and we couldn't feel it . :)

Imagine yourself in a desert all alone and you are so tired and thirsty and you came across a guy who has a 1kg gold bar and he wants your waterbag in exchange. There are no sign of any life but sand dunes and you don't even know if you will get out alive, would you give all the water to him in exchange for a piece of worthless metal?
Definitely no, because you "know" that water is life and the gold bar is nothing but a worthless piece of rock good for nothing in the desert.

Abundance of anything it becomes worthless, and there is a lack of something, that something becomes priceless. Simple demand and supply. People who knows and understands demand and supply understands the abundance of things.

My introduction into iiiworld is to dig out your inner mind and show you that abundance is everywhere and sometimes is a matter of time.

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