Friday, October 17, 2008

the Persuit of Happyness

I love this movie, the pursuit of happyness.
It tells of a true story of Chris Gardner. The founder of Gardner Rich, now a multi-millionaire.

The sufferings and difficulty he and his son has to go thru' is a lesson and an experience of life that they will treasure for the rest of their lives.

The part when he found that he was at last hired as a stock broker and he walked calmly out from the office into the streets with tears in his eyes. The impact of what it meant was the most beautiful part of the movie. In fact, when you have been thru' life at that low level and come out of it... at that particular moment of our lives, it is explosively thrilling and the burden of living just vanish.

Have you ever in a time been thru' life when everything seems to go wrong, one after another, one after another like a disease? Don't give up, there is always something for you at the end of the "curse". I know what it is like...I have been thru' it all

Watch this movie.. it is really inspiring..

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